Natalie, Marc Copely, and me.
On the second night in Horton, we passed postcards out
to the audience for Marc Copely to promote his new
CD Harp and Plow. Marc greeted us before and after
the show to say thank you.
I have had several people tell me that Marc and
I look like we could be brother and sister. One person
at the show even asked me if I was his sister!
While speaking with Marc Copely after the concert the night
before, he mentioned how dry the area was in regards to finding
a drink. He said, "I can't even find a Martini anywhere!" So Natalie
and I presented a little gift to him before the show.
The contents of the little black bag consisted of miniature
bottles of Vodka, a jar of olives, toothpicks, and a plastic
cup from our hotel room. We gave this to Marc before the
show--he thought that was very funny!
Lonely is the Night
Strange Fire
My Kind of Lover
More than Words Can Say (intro)
She's a Runner
Little Miss Intent
L-O-V-E (Four Letter Word)
Don't Say You Love Me
The Stroke
Rock Me Tonight
Calley Oh!
The Girl's All Right
Everybody Wants You
Everybody Wants You
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